Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Massimo Volume- Lungo i bordi-

C'è forza nella pioggia che bagna il bordo del lavandino
e le mie braccia tese, oggi.
Non nelle colline, nè nel cielo che tiene bassi gli uccelli
e ha i colori sbiaditi di una polaroid.
Emanuel Carnevali, morto di fame nelle cucine d'America
sfinito dalla stanchezza nelle sale da pranzo d'America
E c'è forza nelle tue parole
Sopra le portate lasciate a metà, i tovaglioli usati
Sopra le cicche macchiate di rossetto
Sopra i posacenere colmi
Sapevi di trovare l'uragano
Dire qualcosa mentre si e' rapiti dall'uragano
Ecco l'unico fatto che possa compensarmi
di non essere io l'uragano
Primo dio
Preghiera a cose più belle di me
Avvento della giovinezza
Immagine perfetta
Senzazione perfetta
E' nella pioggia, oggi, il vostro grido

Friday, July 21, 2006

A pic fom the past...2004 Egypt, Horus temple at Edfu...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Poem for R.

Dopo un po di tempo,
uno impara la differenza
tra tenere una mano
ed incatenare un'anima,
ed uno impara che l'amore
non significa andare a letto
e che la compagnia non significa sicurezza
ed uno inizia ad imparare.
Che i baci non sono contratti e le regole non sono promesse
ed uno inizia ad accettare le proprie sconfitte a testa alta ed occhi aperti e inizia a costruire
il proprio cammino nell'oggi
poiché il terreno di domani
é troppo incerto per i progetti
ed il futuro ha una maniera
di perdersi per il cammino.
E dopo un certo tempo
uno impara che se é troppo,
anche il calore del sole puó bruciare.
Cosí uno pianta il proprio giardinoe decora la propria anima, invece
di aspettare che qualcuno ci porti fiori. Ed uno impara che puó davvero resistere,
che uno é davvero forte,
che realmente vale,
ed uno impara ed impara...
ed ogni giorno uno impara.

Anonimous poem often wrongly attributed to Jorge Luis Borges...


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

1st Roller session...

Some pics from our first rollerblade session on Sunday 16th July 2006 in Passeig Luis Companys, by the Arc de Trionf...gret fun and today we'll meet again and try to learn to stop...

Did I told you I saw a theatre show on Sunday? Noooooooooo...well, let me tell you about it now...the title was EL ECO DE LA SOMBRA (the echo of the shadow) by El Teatro de los sentido , a cool group that works on the five senses to creat sensorial, personal paths that the spectator/observer must walk along, one by one to discover and experience his own route...If you have the chance to see the sow go for it, absolutely worth it!!!! nearly 2 hours fullfilling sensations and poetry...just take care of your shoes when you finish, double check you're taking yours as somebody left with my new havaianas, leaving me an old dirtry pair of bahianas, a cheap imitation, sigh!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hi again! Last week my sister came to see me as she was working in Elche, near Alicante, and we spent some days together. We went shopping with my fiend Maria...I didn't find nothing really interesting, but me and Maria decided to buy ourselves rollerblades to skate around the city...we also bought bats for table tennis so I'll be able to practise as there are tables for playing at the Ciutadela and on the beach...we also went to the Spiritual Cafe, by the Museo Maritim, and had a nice time watching fire juggling performance.

Finally beck in Barcelona, after the Eurohop tour! It was great travelling again around Iberia, having a Sangria in Madrid, walking around in Granada, having a segway tour in Cordoba at 50º degrees as you can see in the picture...Spain and Portugal are amazing countries...people are lovely and food delicious...I had a lot of fun with the new on board guide Rob, who tought me how to play table tennis in Lisbon!

Monday, July 10, 2006

ITALIA CAMPIONI DEL MONDO 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great match, we struggled and fight and finally the world cup is ours!!! Terrific, cheers from Sevilla! I'm heading to Lagos, in a few minutes, and I'll spend the night in Lisbon...such an amazing city! Big hugs and kisses!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Grat match on Tuesday between Italy and Germany. Italy was back with the beautiful game that made us famous around the world and passed to the final with two goals by the end of the match. It was hard but we made it and on Sunday we're playing against France...IN BOCCA AL LUPO AZZURRI!
I saw the match in a bar, Peña Atalanta, in the Rambla del Raval...a smoky place, packed with noisy Italians. It was fun! On Sunday I'll be in Sevilla at the restaurant IL SOLITO POSTO, c/ Huelva 8...see you there?
This is my friend Marta, we met on Saturday after haven't seen each other for two years. She looks great and she's a shiny and amazeing girl! I hpe I'll be able to visit her soon in Menorca, where sh is living at the moment...